Friday, March 09, 2007

International Women's Day

Don't let the title fool you...I will tie this into the wonderful world of sports!!!

In case anyone missed it, yesterday (March 8th) was International Women's Day. A day to reflect on the changes that women have gone through since the early 1900's when they fought for, and won, recognition as human beings. Since then the feminist movement has been strong as they fight for equality with times though, the line has been crossed.

I personally have no issue with women having the same rights as men however I have issue when they want more rights than men. I'm only going to address this issue from a sport's perspective as that's my area of expertise.

As far as I'm concerned, women should be able to play any sport they choose whether it's considered a man's sport or not. There are hockey leagues, basketball leagues, golf leagues, rugby leagues, football leagues, etc. that are all available as a men's league or as a women's league. What I don't understand is the need for a woman to try and play in a men's league if they already have a league of their own. If women are in pursuit of equality then they should try and achieve it without running the risk of a double-standard. Sadly, in sports we have a double-standard. It is now acceptable for a woman to try and make the cut and play in a men's league. In some cases it's even encouraged through sponsorship exemptions or clever marketing ploys...but what would happen if a man tried to join a women's league? Case in point...Manon Rheaume started a pre-season game in goal for the Tampa Bay Lightning against the St. Louis Blues. She only played one period, faced 9 shots and let in 2 goals. Good for her??? Yes. Good for the women's league??? I don't think so. Good for the Lightning? Absolutely!!! Phil Esposito even went on the record to state that putting her in nets was nothing more than a marketing ploy to get people in the building. What if a male goaltender wanted to play in the women's leagues? There's the Ontario Women's Hockey League, The Western Women's Hockey League, the Mid-Atlantic Women's Hockey League, etc...would that be acceptable??? Absolutely not!!! Have you heard of any of these leagues??? Probably not!!! Wouldn't that be a good marketing ploy to bring some exposure to these leagues??? I would say yes but would it be good for women's hockey??? I'd say no!!!

How about the world of golf? Michelle Wie continues to try and make the cut on the PGA tour. This one really confuses me. I would think that, before a woman would try and compete in a men's league she would have at least dominated somewhat in the women's league. I'm not taking anything away from her ability. She's one heck of a golfer. But there is a league for her to play in and it's called the LPGA...that's the Ladie's Professional Golf Association. Can you imagine the uproar if Tiger Woods decided to play in an LPGA event??? Same idea though isn't it??? And that's becoming a double-standard which is, by definiton...A set of principles establishing different provisions for one group than another. Does that sound like equality? It doesn't sound that way to me.

Again...don't get me wrong...I think women should be treated equally as men but at the same time the realization that men and women are different has to be recognized.
  • They can't share a change room for obvious reasons
  • Men are physically stronger than women
  • Women tend to be more emotional...(there's no crying in baseball...Tom Hanks)
  • Typically records held by men are higher than the one's held by women in the same sport.

To sum up...there are fundamental differences between men and women. The fight for equality is a good one and should continue. The fight for women to compete with men in a man's sports' league should be stopped. Efforts should be spent on trying to raise the level of awareness of women's leagues which would eventually create a market. Once you have a market you will get television contracts and sponsorships. Instead, you're wasting energy by creating a higher profile for men's leagues. Sounds like women's fight for equality is being won by the men...again!!!

That's just my 2 cents...

Thanks for tuning in!!!


The Rokpig...


Anonymous said...

You almost sound like a chauvenist but I agree with what you are saying.
Yhe PGA stands for "Professional Golfers of America" and does not state that women are not welcome (Gents Only Ladies Forbidden....GOLF),but if Wie has the game to play with the men....then she should....and she can bomb the ball like most of the guys on tour.....but she is also going to take a job away from a guy who has been trying to get in though Q-School or play his way in.
she should be made to go through The nation Wide Tour or Q-School.
As for women in hockey....if they are looking for equality....then they are another player....especially in a fight situation.
Mens tennis is way too overpowering for tham as well....Federer serves are in the 140 MPH area. sports should be gender related and individual sports like golf or curling....etc...should be open to all genders.(There was a guy who did play in the LPGA about 25 years ago and there is a trans-sexual playing in the Aussie pro circuit....was a man once....yech....)
But the is one sport both came play in and that would be "Bedroom Golf" club,a couple of holes and as many stokes as you can take.....also mulligans are necessary and welcome.....penalty stokes too!
Keep up blogs and get better
Broncos Fan

ROKPIG said...

LMAO...I agree with you on the bedroom that's a sport for the sexes!!!

Renaud said...

I'm sorry - I was stuck in a meeting. What did I miss?